Confession: I have insecurities.
More than a year ago, someone made a comment about my blog that made me uncomfortable. So I stopped writing. I know they didn't intend to make me uncomfortable, but I let it stop me. Then, I met with some of my dearest friends a few months ago, and they helped me realize that I was letting the fear of negative response get in the way of one of the things I love most!
Over the course of the last year, I changed jobs, had a baby, and had to choose whether or not I wanted to continue working a job I really loved. The problem was my boss needed someone who could work more hours that I was willing to give with my new babe and my increasingly busy family schedule. Now, here I am, once again a stay-at-home mom and loving it. I'll write more later about my own progress, but in summary, I'm totally mature now! Ha!
Confession: I have stuff.
One of the things I'm excited and overwhelmed about is organizing my house. I've realized that when my house is cluttered, my mind feels cluttered. And STUFF! We have so much STUFF! I was browsing Pinterest for organization ideas and found this:
I'm going to de-clutter my home in 91 days! I'm 2 weeks late according to her schedule, but I started today! If I post my progress, I'll be held accountable. I'll also be posting a lot of embarrassingly honest photos of my home--the parts I hide behind closed doors. I plan to be clutter free before Christmas. I'm also planning to sell some of my stuff as I go so I have money to buy more stuff for Christmas! :) Here goes...
Week 1, Day 1: Clean out fridge/freezer!
I decided to clean off the outside of my fridge, too. I went the extra mile today, but it's only day 1! I have two baskets: one for items to relocate, and one to sift through and decide whether I need it or can trash it. Can you see the cauldron on top? that's full of Halloween candy from last year! I haven't tackled the nook next to the fridge yet. That's another day.
I also scrubbed a door shelf of sticky soy sauce that spilled a long time ago and coated the bottoms of every container on the shelf. I've just ignored it until today. Boooooo. I also found a lot of ice cream toppings and I couldn't bring myself to throw them away! I guess we're having ice cream every night this week.

I owe a special shout out to my sweet neighbor girl who came over and helped me with Meg while I did this! I couldn't have done it without her. She even stayed and helped me after Meg went down for a nap. So sweet! Thank you!