Friday, January 20, 2012

Look like you feel? Or feel like you look?

Confession: I feel better when I feel pretty

Remember in high school when we were getting ready to take AP tests (or regular tests...) and we'd groan and complain when our teachers told us to dress up for the tests? I definitely believe the way we prepare ourselves physically translates to how well we perform mentally. Anyhow, I love this conversation I had with my daughter Calli this morning.

Preface: Calli was her class alternate for today's school spelling bee. We didn't study AT ALL. Yesterday she came home and told me that one of the boy contestants said he might not be able to make it. Of course we were freaking out, but we still didn't have time to study. We decided we would study this morning before school. But I accidentally stayed in bed until 8:05.

This conversation takes place at 8:15 this morning:

Calli: How do I look?

Me: You look super cute!

Calli: Thanks! I have to look cute if I'm going to be in the spelling bee, especially if I get out on the first word!

Years later I finally understand that all those times our teachers told us to dress up for our tests, they knew that once the test was over, all we would say in complete exhaustion was: "I'm so glad that's over. I don't even care if I failed. At least I looked good!"

1 comment:

  1. I love the thought process/logic Calli used ...."I might get out on the first word, but if I look cute no one notice they'll just think, 'Wow she looks cute' "
    Although, I do think it's a valid point. My brother always said that when he's sick he gets up & showers & dresses nice because he always feels better when he looks better.
